How to Sync your Flash Lighting to your Triggers
Stuck trying to figure out how to sync your new trigger to your flash photography? Don't worry! We've recently produced a video miniseries showing you just how to sync your different flashes to our ranges of flash triggers. Scroll down below to find the right video for your flash and trigger, or alternatively, browse the full playlist here.
CITI100 Pro/Godox AD100 Pro Flash Photography
How to sync your Pixapro CITI100Pro (GODOX AD100Pro) Pocket Flash with an ST-IV Trigger (Process is the same with ST-III, ST-III+, and ST-IV+ Triggers also).
PIKA200 Pro/Godox AD200 Pro Battery Flash Photography
CITI300 Pro/Godox AD300 Pro
How to sync your Pixapro CITI300Pro (GODOX AD300Pro) Pocket Flash Photography with an ST-IV Trigger (Process is the same with ST-III, ST-III+, and ST-IV+ Triggers also).
CITI400/Godox AD400 & CITI600 Pro/Godox AD600 Pro Powerfull Flash Photography
How to sync your Pixapro CITI600Pro (GODOX AD600Pro) and CITI400Pro (GODOX AD400Pro) Battery Flashes with an ST-IV Trigger (Process is the same with ST-III, ST-III+, and ST-IV+ Triggers also).
CITI600 TTL and Manual /Godox AD600 TTL and Manual Flash Photography
How to sync your Pixapro CITI600TTL (GODOX AD600B) and CITI600 Manual (GODOX AD600BM) Battery Flash Photography with an ST-IV Trigger (Process is the same with ST-III, ST-III+, and ST-IV+ Triggers also).
Li-ION350 MKII Speedlite/Godox V350MKII
How to sync your Pixapro Li-ion350 (or GODOX V350) Speedlite with an ST-IV Trigger (Process is the same with ST-III, ST-III+, and ST-IV+ Triggers also).
GIO1/Godox V1 & Li-ION580 MKIII/Godox V580 Speedlites
How to sync your Pixapro GIO1 (GODOX V1) and Li-ion580III (GODOX V860III) Speedlite with an ST-IV Trigger (Process is the same with ST-III, ST-III+, and ST-IV+ Triggers also).
LUMI MKII/Godox GS MKII Series & KINO MKII+/Godox QS MKII Series Strobes
How to sync your PiXAPRO LUMI II Series (GODOX GS II Series) and the KINO II+ Series (GODOX KINO QS II Series) Flash with a PRO AC 2.4GHz Trigger/Godox XT16 Trigger (Process is the same with the older 433MHz version).
How to sync your Pixapro LUMI II Series (GODOX GS II Series) and the KINO II+ Series (GODOX KINO QS II Series) Studio Flash with an ST-IV Trigger/Godox XPRO Trigger (Process is the same with ST-III, ST-III+, and ST-IV+ Triggers also).
STORM MKIII Series/Godox QT MKIII Series
How to sync your Pixapro STORM III Series (GODOX QT III Series) High-Speed Flash with an ST-IV Trigger (Process is the same with ST-III, ST-III+, and ST-IV+ Triggers also).
RIKO400 RingLight/Godox AR400 Ring Flash Photography
How to sync your Pixapro RIKO400 (GODOX AR400) Ring Flash Photography with a PRO AC 2.4GHz Trigger/Godox XT16 (The process is the same for the original PRO AC 433MHz).
How to sync your Pixapro RIKO400 (GODOX AR400) Ring Flash with an ST-IV Trigger/Godox XPRO Trigger (The process is the same with ST-III, ST-III+, and ST-IV+ Triggers also).
MF12 Macro Flash Photography
How to sync your Pixapro Macro MF-12 (GODOX MF-12) Macro Flash with an ST-IV Trigger (Process is the same with ST-III, ST-III+, and ST-IV+ Triggers also).
Looking for a tutorial that isn't covered here, or still having trouble? Contact our team via, or give us a call during working hours Mon-Fri on 0121 552 3113 and a member of our advisor team will be able to help you out!