Lockdown Photography: Ideas for Home Photography projects!
Working from Home
Due to current circumstances around the world, we understand that the field of Photography has taken a hit, as we are all recommended to stay home when possible. We here at PiXAPRO/EssentialPhoto can understand that this can be frustrating and leave many photographers unsure how to spend their time. To resolve this, we have gathered together a list of ideas/projects you could do from the comfort of your own home, in order to keep your Photography passion alive.
Creating/Updating your own Website
Many Photographers may create incredible and beautiful pieces of work, but be unable to share this with the world efficiently. Taking this time to either create a brand-new website or update your current website can help your business continue growing during this period.
Food Photography
Finding subjects for your Photography can be difficult when confined to your home, but everyone will also have food available. Using this time to try this new field could open up different possibilities when things start to pick back up. By using a combination of LED Lighting and different modifiers, you have the capability to create beautiful food images with ease.
Self-Portrait Photography
Whilst it will always be difficult to find models at this time, you will always have yourself that can be used. This would be that time to finally learn what it feels like to be on the other side of the camera, and could possible help learn how you could improve things in the future for models.
Try Vlogging
Even through photographers will usually stay away from video, now would be a good time to try this field. With the free time you will have available, you can share your knowledge and experience with the world, whilst also showing off your work and possibly showing live shoots. You could also use this to offer online teaching/demos for inexperienced photographers to help improve their craft. This could help bring in new attention to your business and potential new customers in the future. Our Essential Video Blogger LED Lighting Kit would be a wonderful set-up for this.

Essential Video Blogger LED Lighting Kit
Nature Photography
Most homes will have some form of nature as decoration, such as flowers and plants, which means that can be used as subjects for photography. These subjects offer zero motion, so you are free to use either flash or continuous lighting for these, give you’re the chance to try multiple different set-ups and styles.
Pet Photography
Having pets can improve everyday life normally, but in these times, they can be used as the perfect subject for photography. You will need to be careful with the lighting and equipment being used as your pet may find all of it overwhelming. We also recommend keeping plenty of treats on hand, just in case. Our LUMI II 200 Three-Head Pet Portrait Photography Kit would be a great set-up.

Use new styles of Editing
Whilst there may be a shortage of shoots in the coming weeks, you probably have a wide range of old images available. Now would be a good time to experiment with different styles of editing, to see how drastically different you can adjust the images to create unique pieces of work. You can also test out new software to learn new techniques for your editing.
Motion Photography
By using things such as bubbles and water droplets, you are able to capture motion photography at home. Using flash lighting that offers super-fast flash durations and recycle times is vital for this style of photography, and teaming it will the correct modifiers can create the perfect lighting. Click the image below to learn more about this style of photography.

Clean your camera equipment
Making sure that all your camera equipment is working at its best is vital, so keeping everything clean and tidy is very important. We know that normally this may not be a priority due to a busy schedule, but now would be the ideal time to give your equipment some love and care.
Glass Photography
One technique that can be difficult to master is taking photos of reflective items such as glass. Whether it is simply a drinking glass or a glass ornament, now would be a great time to work on the best lighting set-ups that can be used for this style of photography.
We here at PiXAPRO/EssentialPhoto hope that everything can go back to normal as quickly as possible and that all of you and your loved ones can keep safe. We will continue to work with you all to keep offering the best service possible and any support you may require. But during this time, we hope these ideas can help keep your busy and continue to bring in some business for your company.
Also, we are interested to see your results from using some of these ideas and learn the techniques/set-ups used. If you decide to share your work on social media, please feel free to tag our accounts and we will be happy to share your work and possibly use your work on our website! We look forward to seeing your work!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EssentialPhoto.UK/ & https://www.facebook.com/PIXAPROUK/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pixapro/