Medusa Inspired Photo-shoot (with PIXAPRO LUMI 400 and Modifiers)

The PHOTOSHOOT team decided to do something around the Medusa theme, so Mike and Jane (our photographers) got started straight away on making the headpiece (link to our blog). Misty Couture came on board and made us a bespoke corset and along with a few of our own accessories, we had our look.
Tirry Jane was our fantastic model, who really got into the part with her scary looks. Charley Payne, our makeup artist, used her creative skills to produce Tirry’s ‘snake’ look.
We worked with three main sets; black, grey and an orange mottled backdrop. The lighting setup remained for all three sets. We used one strip box as the main light to the left of the model and a beauty dish as a fill, high up, facing down to the right at 45 degrees to her. Both lights had a grid fitted. The only additional light was used on the third set, which had a gridded snoot fitted and positioned at ground level, pointing towards the model’s face, as the snakes on her headdress were causing a shadow to fall over the left eye. We used two or three LUMI400, Beauty Dish with Grid, Strip Light with Grid and Snoot with Grid. Jane also used orange gels and a gold reflector. Two black light boards were used to control the light bouncing around on this set.
Mike’s camera settings and equipment: Aperture f/7.1, Speed 1/125, ISO 100. Equipment:Canon 6D with a Canon 24-105mm IS f4 lens.
Jane’s camera settings and equipment: Aperture f8.0, Speed 1/125-200 (depending) ISO160. Equipment: Nikon 610 with a Nikon 24-70mm lens.
Have a look at our behind-the-scenes video

Makeup Artist: Charley Payne
Model: Tirry Jane
Venue: Creativus Imago Photography Studio
Styling: Jan Davidson, Jane Kelly & Mike Hardley
Corset: Misty Couture
Photography: Mike Hardley: & Jane